Undergraduate Research at Acadia

Summer Research

Each summer Acadia's chemistry faculty employ a substantial number of students as research assistants during the period of May 1 to Aug 31. Pay scales vary somewhat with experience but are in the range of $5000 to $7000 depending on experience and academic background. Outstanding students are eligible for NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Awards (USRA) and Acadia Honours Summer Research Awards (HSRA). Research students are also supported by external grants held by faculty members and external scholarship opportunities.

During-Term Research

There are opportunities for students to be hired to work in a research lab during the academic terms. The time commitment and pay scale varies, and should be discussed with the faculty member you are interested in working with.

Research-Based Courses

The Chemistry Department also offers two types of research-based courses available to undergraduate students:

CHEM 3913/3923: Research Project
CHEM 407T/408T:
Honours Thesis

Interested students should contact the faculty member whose research area interests them. Information regarding awards is available from the Chemistry Department or Research and Graduate Studies.